Monday, September 28, 2009

Ten reasons to be in academia

I will post something educational-philosophically-related one of these days, but a conversation earlier today inspired the following list (not in order of importance, necessarily):

  1. Constant immersion in ideas (good, bad, or indifferent) from the wide range of human experience
  2. Constant contact with people who also have constant contact with those ideas (meaning that one can actually converse with them instead of having to explain everything)
  3. A heightened appreciation for ever-subtler jokes (mostly puns – and then there is Bales, which is not a purely intellectual reference)
  4. Having the pleasure of talking about the stuff one enjoys every week while school is in session
  5. Related to that, the pleasure of having people pay attention to what one says (mostly)
  6. For those who tend towards the sadistic, there is the pleasure of wielding power embodied in the red pen
  7. Professors have .edu email addresses. That sort of email address can get lots of fees lowered.
  8. One can justify favorite books because “I’m doing research.” (provided one doesn’t have a mid-life crisis in the middle of a semester)
  9. One can justify having shelves and shelves of books – they’re one’s livelihood, after all
  10. One has access to ILL services!


  1. Yay! the Hobbit is here!

    Good list. I especially like the one about having shelves and shelves of books.

  2. I know I overused and abused the ILL one.
    Though on my side I disagree with #4

  3. My favorite is #2.

    I use something very similar to #8 now when I buy books - I always say, "It's for the children." It's usually more for me than for them, but at least I get to buy books. :-)

  4. Re: #3: Just wait till our offspring starts punning. She's getting it from both sides. :-D

  5. Huzzah for the power of the red pen. :-)
